The Health & Happiness study is now open for enrollment until June 15, 2025

Meet the research team
Micah Kaats
Harvard Kennedy School
Principle Investigator
Micah Kaats is a PhD candidate in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. He also serves as a Research Associate for the Wellbeing Research Centre at Oxford University and Senior Analyst for the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. He has designed, implemented, and supervised studies of more than 20,000 participants in over 24 countries. He holds Master’s degrees in Applied Ethics and Economic Policy from Utrecht University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from UPenn.
Dr. Laura Marciano
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Principle Investigator
Dr. Marciano is a Research Associate at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness. Her research focuses on digital media use and young people’s well-being. Dr. Marciano also serves as the Principal Investigator of the HappyB project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and NIH R21 project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health).
Dr. Caspar Kaiser
Warwick Business School
Dr. Kaiser is an Assistant Professor with the Behavioral Science Group at Warwick Business School. Dr. Kaiser also serves as a research fellow at Oxford University's Wellbeing Research Centre, a research affiliate at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and chair of the board of the Happier Lives Institute. Dr. Kaiser earned a DPhil in Social Policy from Nuffield College and the Department of Social Policy & Intervention. Dr. Caspar Kaiser has published extensively on the measurement and analysis of subjective wellbeing data in numerous top academic journals.
Dr. Nathaniel Osgood
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Osgood is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health & Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He is also the Director of the Computational Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics Laboratory. He received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and served as a Senior Lecturer at MIT. Dr. Osgood is an expert in cutting-edge methods to extrapolate and analyze trace social media use data and creator of the Avicenna platform.
Learn more about the study
We launched an initial pilot of the study at the 2024 Lugano Happiness Forum. Watch the video below to learn more about launch in an interview with Micah Kaats.
Contact us
Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you! Please use the form below to contact the research team.